Tuesday 18 October 2011

Womens Safety Outside The Home

Womens Safety Outside The Home

Womens Safety Outside The Home

By Mark Etinger

Despite the dangers in this world, we all have to step outside of our homes at some point in time, unless you want to live a fearful life with no social interaction. Bad things do happen, but the chances are not astronomically high and as long as you use common sense, you can avoid risky situations. As long as you think clearly, remain alert, and follow basic womens safety advice you can protect yourself from danger.

First it's important to use the "sixth sense." If you ever feel that something just doesn't seem normal or for whatever reason you feel uncomfortable on your normal route, leave, go home a different way. Even if it ends up to be nothing, it's always better to be safe than sorry. Always look confident and never be distracted by cellphones. Predators are looking for the easy target who is either not paying attention or who looks easily intimidated -someone who won't be willing to fight back.

If taking public transportation, wait for the vehicle in a public area. There is always safety in numbers. Hang out in a coffee shop until your taxi arrives. It's best to choose the aisle seat in case you need to make a quick exit. Window seats are fun to look out but that also means you're blocked in. When traveling during non-peak hours by train, choose the compartments with the most passengers sitting in them. For taxis, double check the identification of the driver. If possible, avoid flagging down a taxi on the street. Call for a taxi so it can be traced.

Danger doesn't only happen when taking public transportation. There are plenty of opportunities for something to go wrong in your very own car. When out and about, always park as close to the store/building as possible. Is a dent in your car really worth the risk? When returning to your vehicle, have your keys already in your hand and check your car before entering. Even if you're just leaving your car for a moment to run into a store, always lock your doors and roll up your windows.

For women who walk or jog around the neighborhood, regularly change your routine. In your mind mark out "safe houses" of people you either know or public shops you can run into in case of an emergency. In isolated areas it's best to put away that iPod for a while so you can hear what's going on around you. Look into personal protection products and consider taking self defense courses. The courses should demonstrate attacks that are likely to occur -so don't bother with the mixed martial arts class. You want real life scenarios.

TomPatire.com is a great resource to learn about child safety programs, as well as advice for women, seniors, and families. Find personal protection products and helpful tips. Remember safety first, because you may not get a second chance.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mark_Etinger


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